A quick love note: The medium of seasonally rich flowers and food are among the most beautiful and rewarding of mediums, and designing is a creative outlet so fulfilling that words fall short to describe. You might find yourself drawn to us as with any artistic signature; you’re vetting us based the cohesion of our style, our aesthetic, and our energy. But you must know that behind the artistry, there is a genuine love for people. We’ve been doing this work for 19 years and found quickly that the common thread in everything we enjoy is building meaningful relationships.

A note on sustainability: We are very conscious of the beautiful creation in which we live. Therefore, we work with great integrity to source, cultivate, and dispose with sustainability top of mind. So if we’re foraging, we’re asking, not stealing. When we’re pruning, we're clipping to encourage growth. When we’re installing, we’re not using floral foam. When we’re cleaning, we sort and separate compost from trash. And when we’re using food, we do not throw it away.


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